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OLD - Week 1 Day 3 Evening

They braved the storm with the cart tethered to the ground behind a big rock, shielding it from the winds somewhat. They sat there in Seths cart, with large canvas flaps covering the openings. Most the time was spent with Seth teaching Ellyn how to deal with Acorn, and learning the commands for him.
“Come on Acorn! Now, NOSE!” Ellyn said sternly to Acorn who was being quite stubborn.
“Ellyn, look, like this” Seth said as he demonstrated the `proper` way to do it. “Acorn, Nose” he commanded holding his hand out in a fist. Acorn then touched his fist with his nose. “See? Easy!”
“Fine, let me try again” said Ellyn. She held out her hand in the same way Seth did and calmly said “Acorn, Nose” and he bumped her fist with his

nose, slower than he did with Seth but still he did it. Ellyn made some sort

of squeak with happiness as Acorn returned to Seth. “I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!” Ellyn exclaimed, showing her excitement by clapping
…..a lot….
“…..Anyway….” Seth said once she finished, “I think its time for you to….Edit, your attire”
Ellyn raised an eyebrow, “what do you mean?”
“Well, as nice as they are, your clothes aren’t exactly hardwearing” Seth explained “You can keep your trousers and shirt, but you should wear some more robust clothing..... Here” Seth said as he opened a pink cardboard box, “check through this to see if there is anything you like” Seth moved away, and seemed to go check something on the front console. Ellyn looked into the box to see it was full of various bits of material and odd bits of women’s clothes, “Seth why do you have a box of ladies clothes on your cart?” Ellyn asked, but Seth seemed not to hear. She shrugged it off and continued to look through the box, pulling out bits she thought she might like.
Seth shouted over his shoulder, “There’s a curtain on the left!” Ellyn looked around and found it, and pulled it closed, isolating herself from the rest of the cart. She tried on the first outfit and called Seth to look at it.
“When I said hardwearing, I meant protective, not revealing… not that this is bad..” He said with a wink, Ellyn rolled her eyes at this and went back behind the curtain. This time when Ellyn emerged from the curtain, Seth just laughed and waved her back; Ellyn sighed, and returned to the curtain. For the third getup Seth just gave thumbs up with both hands. Ellyn was wearing her purple trousers, but had knee pads on top as well as leather strips running the length, tied at the knee, linking her waist to her new boots, which had a thick sole and steel toe caps. On top she was wearing her t-shirt underneath, but with a tough leather corset on, not done up tightly though. Accompanied with a long leather jacket that has a large collar and came down to her thighs. She had rolled up the sleeves of the jacket above her elbows, and had put on a pair of leather gloves. She had also re-fitted her mask from the temporary one Seth had given her, for a more stylish one, less bulky and better fitting, which now hung around her neck.
Seth walked up to her and said “ let’s see how tough that is…”, and made to jab Ellyn in the stomach, but Ellyn jumped out the way, causing him to miss, then trip on something on the floor and sending Seth flying out the back of the cart, landing with a thud. After a few moments silence, Ellyn heard Seth say; “huh, the dust has stopped”. She poked her head out the flaps and saw a beautiful night sky, coated in stars, the full moon lighting up the ground with dark blue shadows. She looked down and saw Seth sitting where he had landed, covered in dust but staring up at the sky. Ellyn came down and sat next to him; he put his arm around her and pulled her close. While Ellyn found it unexpected, to say the least she didn’t hate it.
“The nuclear event thingy has thinned the atmosphere, which is bad if you didn’t want sunburn but great if you like the stars ha-ha” Seth explained

After a few moments Seth spoke up and said, “Perhaps we should head back inside, never know what could be out here…” Seth got up and climbed back inside the cart. Ellyn stayed for a bit, enjoying that feeling of closeness, then realising that Seth had literally left his arm around her; she pulled it from her waist, and climbed into the cart after Seth “Uh, I think you forgot something” She said, handing Seth back his arm, he pushed it up his sleeve and with a loud click it slotted back into place. “Thanks” Seth said as he turned back to the hammocks, taking more time on them than usual. Once he had finished he stepped back, and jumped into his hammock, turning off the light above his head, mumbled a “goodnight” and rolled over. Ellyn was somewhat bemused by this but dismissed it as “a moment”, and turned her light off and went to sleep. 


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