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OLD - Week 1 Day 1 Afternoon

Macewood, a small village, that would be more aptly called a trading camp, is a small selection of make-shift houses and tents, it boasts the biggest market for miles and for this reason it finds home to many travellers. Macewood sits nearby a set of sprawling forests, while being contained in the area known as the plains, it is frequented by dust storms which give anything and everything that doesn’t move a red-brown shade.

Seth was selling his wares at the Macewood market and was currently bartering with a portly blue skinned bar man over a large gold flagon.
“Ten gold pieces!”  Seth Declared, beaming, “Picked this beauty up in a tomb of a lost king!” Explained Seth, covering up this blatant lie with a cheery smile.
“Hmmmm…..I’ll give you 7” replied the bar man
“I said ten!” Said Seth “What makes you think I’ll give it to you for 7?”
“Well, it’s a bit battered isn’t it?” said the barman
This was a complete understatement; the flagon was covered in dents and scratches even the lid no longer fit properly on the top of the flagon.
“Yes, well, I had to wrestle a horde of undead warriors to get it of their master’s corpse!” Seth replied waving his fists in front of his face, fully knowing he had done no such thing,
“Ok but that doesn’t make it look any nicer, I can’t have this on my mantelpiece for people to look at,” The barman said.
Look at!?” Gasped an unbelieving Seth “I meant for you to use it, I’ll  have you know, that I test each and every one of my products for their specific use, and this is definitely a using flagon!! But I’m sure I can find someone who will use it properly since you seem uncivilised enough to not know a using flagon when one is presented for you!”
“Fine! Ten Gold and be off with it!” Flustered the barman as he pulled out the coin.
“Pleasure doing business with you!” Seth Grinned.
The barman tucked the flagon under his arm and walked off grumpily. It’s getting late thought Seth as he started packing up his goods, saying each item out loud as he threw them into his bag, to make sure he didn’t forget anything:
“Jewelled revolver, old bottle, half a crown, tool bag, ‘relic of the gods’, all-seeing eye, mauve coat, stone amulet, Ruby slippers, nuclear tea and enchanted javelin.” He said each one with increasing emphasis as they went into his bag. Seth then heaved his loaded bag onto the cart which was parked behind him. With everything tidied and packed, Seth started the cart and pulled out into the emptying street. 15 years have passed since the ‘incident’ as it was now referred to as, and people still haven’t had the time or money to build anything more permanent, Seth thought as he passed the makeshift houses that were built upon the ruins of the old. As Seth left the small village he turned down a small dirt track.

Ellyn heard the front do slam open and close and braced herself for the inevitable-
“ELLYN!?!?” Baron Valther bellowed, “ELLYN!? WHERE ARE YOU?!!?”
Ellyn slid out of a nearby room and curtly replied “Here - sir!”
“Fetch me my Tankard!”
“Right away sir!” Said Ellyn as she ran away to retrieve it. Ellyn navigated the winding corridors of Valther’s manor as someone who travels them regularly. Ellyn, being Valthers hand maid, must follow him everywhere he goes within the manor and do his every bidding. Therefore, she knew exactly where to find his tankard, where he left it last night and where he will leave it tonight, as he has done every night for the last 5 years. 5 years 4 months and 7 days, but who’s counting right? thought Ellyn as she reached the flagon in his “drawing” room, a room that showed Valther for whom he really was, a blood thirsty murderer thought Ellyn as she looked around the room which was adorned with hundreds of stuffed animals, if you could still call them that nowadays, that he had either shot himself or bought from travelling merchants.

On her way to Valther she dropped into the kitchen to refill the tankard with Valthers favourite drink, a beverage made from the distilled juice of a certain combination of mushrooms, which seem to grow in abundance in the manors gardens. Ellyn thought herself a master of this art as it was one of the first things she was taught when she first arrived here and to say the least she’d had enough practice at it, what with the amount Valther drinks she has to make a new batch every week. As Ellyn returned to the front room, she found Valther handing a bag of Rockjaws to one servant and large Búri to a large butler. She calmly went up to Valther and muttered a polite “Sir,” holding up the tankard so he could reach it easily. He was almost twice the size of her, in width more than height. Valther was a mean man with beady little eyes, a wide mouth and fat nose, thrown onto a large round face.  This man would be nothing without his money Ellyn thought as he messily drank from the tankard, slopping some down his front.


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