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OLD - Week 1 Day 1 Evening

After finding a suitable spot in the forest, Seth parked the cart and turned the engine off, pressed a button on the panel next to the steering wheel, and a layer of canvas sprung up creating a roof and walls for him to sleep in, he untied his hammock and climbed in. He replaced his filter and with a quick look around, he pulled his hat down low over his eyes.

As the evening drew to a close and Valther got drunker and less coherent Ellyn’s job ended as Valther was handed over to the night maids. Ellyn went down to the basement where the servant quarters are, and the familiar journey to her room never seemed more comforting. As she entered her room she smelled that familiar scent and saw the familiar scene, of her posters that adorn the walls, her random artefacts that litter the shelves and her bed, still unmade from when she rushed out of it that morning. Ellyn pulled off her uniform and changed into her nightdress. She took down her hair so it hung about her shoulders. Ellyn looked into the mirror and thought about what she saw there; Yep, I’m alright thought Ellyn as she flopped onto the bed. She pulled her beddings around her and slid her hand under her pillow for her most precious item, a small round pebble with sigil engraved on it, the only remnant of her parents. As she clutched the stone she closed her eyes and slowly fell into a long comfortable sleep.


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