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Showing posts from January 26, 2016

Worlds Adrift Creative Writing Contest Entry

Hey guys, so worlds adrift, an in development game i'm following, recently started a creative writing contest, where the reward is to have the winners entry in game as a piece of collectable lore! Any-who this is my entry to the contest, and the names are not linked to my other bits! Oh yeah and it is limited to 500 words. I looked up at the clear blue sky, enjoying the cool breeze run across my skin, our ship creaked a gust of wind brought the scent of pollen. My brother called me over, he said that he had found something. I turned from the edge and jogged back towards the ruins. He was trying to move a stone pillar that had fallen over, but underneath it I could see his discovery. A small gold coin lay pressed into the dirt, I could already tell that it was old. Lorus held the pillar steady as I crawled underneath it. I used my trusty knife to pry the coin from the ground and I quickly retreated from under the pillar. Lorus dropped it with a thud and a small cloud of dust ...