Chapter 6
I was glad of the similar designs, it definitely made getting around easier, I guess new crew members got given a map as there were no signs. I floated around, until i had found what I was looking for, the engineering bay opened from a small door in a thin corridor. The engineering bay itself was a large room, with the walls and most of the floor space being covered by machinery. I made my way to the main terminal, which was set into a large semi circular console, extra buttons and levers to check it over and unsurprisingly it was powered off. It was a simple matter to re-boot the generator, a flick of this switch, a twiddle of that knob and it roared back into action. Life re-entered the ship and it shuddered with the addition of power, the lights came on illuminating the until now dark interior. The alarms also came on, creating a cacophony of noise, I made my way back the console and found a flashing red button labeled with “Alarms”, I pressed it and the alarms shut off, I don’t know why, but that somewhat surprised me. The terminal had several warning messages blinking on the screen, mostly saying about pressure and atmosphere loss in over half the ship. I sifted through the terminal to see if I could find anything about what happened. there was a few maintenance logs which just stopped suddenly. presumably due to the “Incident”. I had a thought, that whatever happened here was unusual as there were no dead people, or damage apart from where the escaping air had shifted things, in this part of the ship anyway, I wondered if the others were alright, but remembered that they were trained for this sort of thing. I left the station and made my way to the door, I pulled myself through and continued along the hallway. I continued along the ship, in the direction towards my comrades, but as I got further it became more and more obvious of the damage that occurred here. For example there were more and more hull breaches, and the items inside were more strewn around. I pushed through a doorway and entered the cafeteria area. The crew certainly left in a hurry, there were plates and cups around the room, still with food and drink on them, the liquids bubbling around the rims of their containers. The room had been sealed enough for the various substances to not deteriorate, and some of the food looked almost edible. But now was not the time to rest, I had to find my crew members. I made my way along the ship and found my way to the escape pod zone, and what surprised me most, is that there were none missing. This lead to more and more questions, where was the crew if none of them escaped via the pods? Further on I found some crew quarters which were unsurprisingly empty, but I did find myself some more tools, one of the crew had kept a handgun underneath his pillow, which I promptly stuck into one of my pockets. There were also lots of clothes and personal items, but no sign of anyone else around, except from me. The crew quarters looked to hold a crew of several hundred, with tens of rooms, each holding four people. I stumbled upon one of the common rooms and I was amazed, it was surprisingly well furnished with multiple entertainment sources, such as games tables, and smaller tables for card games and other board games, some of which had been in use. There were several screens which were displaying static, apparently having turned on with the turn on of the power. I pulled myself away from the ever tempting retro games machines and left the common room. After a few more minutes of floating around, some of the walls seemed to be coated in some sort of slime, it was thick and a light red in colour, it had darker flakes within in, which looked like rusted metal or old cloth. I picked my way further, going in the direction where the slime was thickest, and after rounding a corner I came face to, well, tentacle of a giant creature.
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