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Worlds Adrift Creative Writing Contest Entry

Hey guys, so worlds adrift, an in development game i'm following, recently started a creative writing contest, where the reward is to have the winners entry in game as a piece of collectable lore!

Any-who this is my entry to the contest, and the names are not linked to my other bits!

Oh yeah and it is limited to 500 words.

I looked up at the clear blue sky, enjoying the cool breeze run across my skin, our ship creaked a gust of wind brought the scent of pollen. My brother called me over, he said that he had found something. I turned from the edge and jogged back towards the ruins. He was trying to move a stone pillar that had fallen over, but underneath it I could see his discovery. A small gold coin lay pressed into the dirt, I could already tell that it was old. Lorus held the pillar steady as I crawled underneath it. I used my trusty knife to pry the coin from the ground and I quickly retreated from under the pillar. Lorus dropped it with a thud and a small cloud of dust lifted from the ground. I pulled my lenses over my eyes and inspected the coin. It was in good condition only a few scratches, I could clearly tell that it was from saborian origins and it could certainly be easily traded for, I could probably get two pounds of scrap from this! We continued to scour the site for anything else we could loot. I enjoyed nothing more than soaring through the air, free as a kite. So when I found myself underground wading through pools of water, I was less than happy. The light from our torches shone around the tunnel, both illuminating the surroundings, and making the shadows darker. The stale water stank like an unwashed sock and tasted worse. Eventually the tunnel opened up into a large cavern, in the centre of which was a huge stone structure, consisting of several rings. At the base of the structure was a perfectly spherical ball, with some unknown markings on it. It looked like it had fallen from within the rings, but there was no indication of how it might have been attached. Unfortunately for us, it seems that we weren't the first to get there and there were very few items of interest. I managed to source a couple more of those coins and Lorus dug up a goblet. We decided to leave for now and agreed that we could come back another day. The water did not seem so bad now, guess I must have gotten used to the smell, even so it was great to be back in the open air. We took a moment to adjust but promptly walked back to our ship. I knew it was going too well and as we crested over the hill we saw that our ship was being scrapped by some pirates. We both started running down the hill, the pirates spotted us and started to leave, while their ship was bigger than ours it was much slower.The pirates just managed to pull away as we reached our ship. I climbed on board my ship, it was only just operational and we managed to catch up with the pirates. Lets just say it didn't end well from them.


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