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OLD - Week 1 Day 7 Afternoon.

Week 1
Day 7

 They walked for hours, nearly dead on their feet, every little sound made Ellyn jump as if it was someone out to get them. Seth kept on offering to carry her, but he ended up being carried by Dahveed after injuring himself by falling into an animal hole. They stopped for lunch by the side of a lake, Seth went fishing with the line he had stored in his bag and managed to catch a Prawn, which they proceeded to cook and eat. Even with the six of them they didn’t finish it and threw the carcass back into the water. They stayed by the lake for a while, resting their legs, Seth applied a bandage around his ankle so that he could walk on his own again.
They all sat in a circle, and started chatting about nothing, to help ease the tension. The cold air cooling their worked bodies.
Seth got up and slowly walked over to a set of bushes.
“Seth?” Asked Ellyn, but he just held up a finger to her, now the whole group was watching him. He stopped just short of the bush, staring at it. Ellyn tried to see if anything was there, but the bush was so think there was no way anyone could see through it. He seemed to just stand there until out of nowhere he stuck his hand into the bush and pulled a man through it, he shouted out and more men appeared around them, appearing from no-where, surrounding them. Seth threw the man to the floor and quickly moved over to the others, who grouped together in a huddle.
Seth nodded to Julian and Dahveed, the group slowly backed to the water; Seth slowly reached into his bag, and brought out some sort of yellow box. He threw the box into the water and it sank, Ellyn looked to Seth but his focus was on the advancing line of men. There must have been about twenty of them, all standing there looking angrily at them in their tan coloured uniform one shot a flare into the air. A noise occurred from behind them and the box floated back to the surface, it had opened and what looked like a yellow bag had inflated from it. It sat on the surface and the bag expanded, until it was fully inflated and Ellyn now saw that it was a boat. The group stepped onto the boat, except Seth who stayed on the shore.
“Come on Seth!” Said Ellyn who then felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Julian shake his head.
“What?!” Exclaimed Ellyn “We can’t just leave him!”
“We aren’t leaving him, he is leaving us” Julian said monotone. Seth turned to Ellyn.
“There isn’t enough room on the boat, it’ll sink” he said. Ellyn looked to the water and saw it was only just not coming into the boat.
Seth took off his Satchel and Jumper and handed them to Julian. He rolled up his sleeves, and turned to face the lines of approaching men. His left hand split in half and sunk back into his arm, being replaced by the blade, becoming his sword arm. Seth used his foot to push the boat out, and they slowly bobbed out into the lake.
“Twenty versus one? How is that fair?” Ellyn asked,
“They should have brought more men!” replied Clarence. One of the men in the uniform broke his nerve and yelled out before charging at Seth.  [Pegboard Nerds & Tristam - Razor Sharp] The next few moments occurred in slow motion for Seth. He turned to face the man, a ball of fire erupted from his left elbow; his arm-sword accelerating through the man’s face,1, the other men took this as a signal to attack, so they approached as well. The fire from his elbow had ignited his shirt and it was burning off his body, the torn bits of cloth smoking away into the air.
 Seth used his spare hand to push the first man off his arm, the flames propelled Seth and his arm into a spin, where he extended his left arm, cutting the throats of three men that had charged together,4, they collapsed in a bloody mess on the floor as Seth kicked away another man’s sword, followed with a thrust of his own,5, he pushed forwards using the man still on his blade as a battering ram, and knocked over two other men, he spun around with incredible speed, and caught one man across the side of the head with his blade causing the man to lose the top half of his head,6. Seth kicked one in the stomach so he doubled over, then followed up with a skull splitting uppercut, 7. Using his right hand, Seth pulled a man into his knee, which was aimed at his nose, causing blood to explode from it, though this was the least of his worries as he now had Seth’s blade through his neck. Seth aimed the fire to propel him into the air, in a small arc that sent him flying through two men, 9. There was a brief moment’s pause as Seth pulled his blade from the two men, his shirt was now completely burnt off and Ellyn could see his bare chest for the first time. His rippling muscles were coated in scars and other wounds. The attachment point of his arm on his shoulder was metal and was in a similar state of wear as the rest of him. The attackers regrouped together, Seth just stood there blood dripping from his blade. He called to Dahveed “There is a sword in my satchel, throw it to me” Dahveed complied quickly sending the sword in a perfect arc to Seth who caught it with one hand. He stood facing the men, a wicked grin on his face. One man emptied himself into his trousers and ran back towards the bushes; none of the other men said anything. Seth stepped forwards and the group of men gasped and stepped back, Seth chuckled. They were terrified of him. The man who ran re-appeared from the bushes, holding a bow and arrows, Seth looked at him inquisitively. The man loaded an arrow,, but aimed not at Seth, but instead at his friends on the boat. Seth shook his head is disbelief. The man sent an arrow flying at the boat, it missed the boat, it missed Julian, it missed Dahveed, it missed Blueberry and it missed Clarence. It did not miss Ellyn. The arrow entered her abdomen and pain blossomed there, she cried out in pain and Julian caught her. The arrow had no head so Julian pulled it out with ease and produced a bandage and some soft fabric from Seth’s satchel, which he applied promptly.
Seth turned to the men. His smile was gone.
“You should NOT have done that” Seth said to the men.
 He exploded forwards with such speed that the men had no time to react. The startled men were met with a fury like no other. Seth used the group of men as a spring board to launch himself at the man who had shot Ellyn. Seth plunged his blades deep into the man’s shoulders, piercing down through his chest. He freed his blade and pushed the man to the dirt.10. Seth straightened up and turned back to the group of men, who were now staring in disbelief at Seth, all wide eyed. Seth was no longer just protecting his friends, no, now it was time for blood. Seth ran to the side of the group, jumped up and kicked off a tree. He then proceeded to swan dive into the group, spearing one man straight through.11. He quickly followed his landing with a graceful double jab at the two men at his sides; they fell over as they tried to keep their insides inside.13. The next man found one blade through his chest, while his buddy next to him found the second blade through his stomach.15. Seth then drove both blades into a man who decided that Seth needed another scar.16. Apparently there were more of these guys that though similarly as one man tried to stab Seth. Seth being Seth however, managed to dodge most of the blade, producing only a new cut on his back but Seth repaid the favour with interest and gave the man a new hole in his face.17.  Seth lunged right and placed that blade in-between the man’s ribs, 18, then lunged left and thought that this man looked better without his head.19. The last guy left started running. Seth pulled the spare blade from the guy he left it in as he was collapsing, did a flip over him and threw it into the back of the man who was running.20. Seth stood there for a moment and waited for him to stop twitching, then looked to his friends on the boat, all had their mouths agape. Seth showed them a thumb up, pulling them from the trance.
“Whoop! Go Seth!” Cheered Blueberry, Seth bowed deeply to them, but paused at the bottom. A thumping noise was growing louder and louder from within the trees. He looked between his legs, then dove to the side. A metal monstrosity came barrelling out of the woods. It came to a stop at the edge of the water, with a loud pneumatic hiss. The monster which looked like a large metal gorilla, turned to face Seth.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!” Ellyn asked/ shouted,
That, is a Gulianth” Explained Clarence. The Gulianth had large metal plates attached all over its body, a large pack on its back, which had tubes coming out of it which attached to its helmet, which had 7 glass holes on it which glowed blue. The Gulianth growled at Seth, it was a guttural noise which chilled Ellyn to the bone. The Gulianth punched the ground and there was a loud buzz as lightning curled around its fist. It pointed at Seth and the lightning jumped to his left arm with a loud crack and a small explosion. When the dust cleared Seth was on his back, coughing.
“Oh no” Ellyn muttered. The Gulianth walked up to Seth, it bent down to look at him, the glow from its helmet illuminating Seth’s face.
“It’s just not your day is it?” Seth said to the Gulianth. It tilted its head to the side in confusion. Seth quickly reached up with his right hand and pulled out a bunch of tubes from the side of the Gulianth’s helmet. It recoiled in pain, clutching the side of its head and bellowing in pain; Seth got up and jumped onto its back then started pulling more things from its head and back, which was difficult to do with only one arm. The Gulianth staggered backwards towards the lake, Seth jumped off at this point. The blue liquid from within its helmet had leaked all over the ground. The flow of liquid stopped and so did its noises. The Gulianth slumped, and then fell backwards into the lake, causing a wave which rocked the boat, pushing it further from the shore.
Seth shouted to them “It seems my reputation has gotten out of hand!”

“Indeed it has!” Julian replied. Ellyn was too far away now to hear the thumping of the three more Gulianths approach. The blast from the first one had deafened Seth so he didn’t either. They came all at once, knocking down trees as they crashed into the clearing. Seth’s smile evaporated as he felt the rumbling in the ground, Seth turned and ran, but only made ait a few metres before a Gulianth pounced on him and pinned him to the ground. It gripped him firmly putting a great amount of force onto Seth, he gasped as the wind was knocked out of him. The Gulianth picked Seth up, holding his arms to his sides. He tried to wriggle out but he was stuck. He looked to his friends on the boat; they were well out of harm’s way now. Seth took some solace in that. Ellyn observed the situation unfolding before her, and the look Seth gave her struck deep. She had never seen him like that, never before with that expression. He looked helpless. The Gulianth charged up the lightning she had seen earlier and shocked Seth, he yelled out in pain, then went limp. The Gulianths carried him away into the trees.


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