By the afternoon the landscape had transformed from dead pillars of trees to dead pillars of metal. The pipes and vents twisting around each other criss-crossing the landscape, leading to and from various tanks and valves. Ellyn turned to Seth who merely shrugged, “It’s called the industrial plains” he explained, “I have no idea what they were for”. There were still some fires burning from some of the tallest chimneys burning off something left inside the pipes, producing points of fire floating in the smog that seemed to never leave the plains. Some of the sections of pipes had been removed by looters or destroyed by some ancient explosion. They passed a few turn-off roads as well as small camps, which inhabitants either wave them by or just ignored them. After what seemed like forever to Ellyn, Seth pulled the cart over to one of said small camps for some food. Seth seemed to prefer food other people make fresh rather than digging in to his own supplies though Ellyn, who had seen a...
The Toxic Tea Shop is home to "Nuclear Tea" and "The Casual Collection of Catastrophes" as well as many more in-progess things! It is where I will put any writings that I do, though not any that are published, you can buy the books to read them! Please feel free to comment with any requests or suggestions...